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Total Rewards_Week 3 Discussion

Total Rewards_Week 3 Discussion

Q In preparation for this discussion, read Chapter 5 in your textbook and review the Harvard Business Review case study “Box: The Evolution of Management Practices in a Start-Up.” Then, based on what you provided in the short paper submitted in the previous module, share your response to the following question: What lessons did you learn from the Box case study that you could apply to the Precision case study? (The case study “Appraising Performance at Precision” can be found in Chapter 3 of your textbook.)

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The recognized problems in the case study of Precision consist of the following: appraisal of performance of Precision was conducted per year once only, individually written description of job stating expectations of performance in a clear manner were not provided to the employees, restricted communication amount among supervisors and employees of theirs, a generic written form that all employees used, and the tendency of supervisor to rate every staff each year in a same scale (Martocchio, 2016).